Springtime In Surrey (Author Interview w/Grace A. Johnson)

Welcome back to our Springtime in Surrey author interview series! Last week, we talked with Kellyn Roth, the owner of Wild Blue Wonder Press, and head of the Springtime in Surrey anthology project. We also got to visit with Andrea Renee Cox and Erika Matthews, and hear their insights into their story writing processes and advice. Now *rubs hands together* who will be our next guest? Wanna guess who?

*hears Herminatrude whisper something to me* Oh…well, yes, I guess the blog post title gave it away XD. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to the lovely Ms. Grace A. Johnson!

In clock-wise order starting from the bottom left corner: Bailey Gaines; Katja Labonte’; Faith Blum; Andrea Renee Cox; Grace A. Johnson; Rachel Leitch; Kellyn Roth; and Erika Matthews.

Interview with Grace

Eep! I’m so excited you get to join me today on the blog, Grace! Let’s get started. So, what was your favorite part of writing Her Heart’s Home?

I’m so excited too! Thank you so much for having me, girl!

Oh, man. Favorite part? You’re starting off with the toughest questions first, eh? 😂 Truth be told, I can’t pick between the themes, characters, and romance—they were all such a joy to write!

What was the most challenging part of writing a story in a foreign country?

Naturally, the research. It wasn’t enough to just stick my story in a nondescript cottage in a nondescript corner of Surrey. Nope. I had to be super specific—so I picked a real-life setting about which there’s very little information. I relied on old pictures and a couple Internet articles to piece together what I could about The Deepdene, and used Google Maps’ handy-dandy satellite imagery to find additional places and describe the area. 

What did your research process look like, and did you learn anything surprising or fun along the way? (Yes, I managed to sneak a double question in there lol.)

Well, it looked like a lot of back-and-forth. I’d write a couple sentences and jump back to my browser, where I had Google Maps, some random tabs, and a few decent articles up. I’m not typically the kind of person who researches beforehand or gets really deep into certain subjects; rather, I research as I write and gather the information I need right then and there. It’s kinda a hit-and-miss method, but I think it worked for Her Heart’s Home. For the most part…I still had a lot of period-related gaps missing that my lovely editors Kell and Andrea (also part of the anthology!) helped me fill!

As far as fun surprises, I can’t quite think of anything too spectacular. I did enjoy learning about the Westhumble chapel of ease. This little church actually used to be a barn but was converted into a small chapel that acted as a go-between for larger churches in big cities and the villagers who couldn’t make it all the way into the city for services. I wasn’t able to fully incorporate the Westhumble chapel because of timeline issues, but I did base my unnamed chapel in Her Heart’s Home off of it! Learning about the chapel also led me down a rabbit hole of some very prolific writers of the time who lived or stayed in that very area!

What is your favorite theme that you’ve included in Her Heart’s Home?

Definitely the theme of surrender. It’s actually something I myself have been learning/struggling with, so the way it bled into the story was so natural and painful and yet very healing.

What would Meredith’s theme song be? Trevor’s?

Sooo…the story’s theme song (and thereby Meredith’s) is “This Is Home” by Switchfoot. And I think a song that fits both Meredith and Trevor personally is “Help Me Find It” by Sidewalk Prophets!

What’s something you’ve learned while working with Wild Blue Wonder Press?

Accountability is painful but necessary.

Yeah, that probably wasn’t what you expected.

So, in working with WBWP, I had seven other people I was working with—not working for or having do a few optional tasks for me. No, I was (am, really) working with seven other people in bringing this anthology to life. If I don’t pull my weight, something doesn’t get done. 

But see, I’m the kind of person that’s easily distracted and forgetful, so I often let things slide away instead of prioritizing them and getting them done. And yet I’m super ashamed of falling behind and absolutely hate to fail others or set them back. So it has been super difficult for me to have the accountability and the responsibility of accomplishing things not for myself and not by myself and not on my own timeline…and yet it’s also been super important for me to experience and understand the vitality of.

We indie authors bask in our freedoms—no deadlines, no contracts, no team. Just us. There is an I in independent, right? And that’s something we relish.

But as nice as it is (and as important) to have that freedom, we also need accountability and responsibility. Otherwise, we could never get our priorities straight or accomplish things.

So that’s what I’ve learned. Hopefully that makes sense. 😅

Why is Christian fiction important to you?

Oh, my gosh. For soooo many reasons. Infinite reasons. Have mercy, I could go on for days about why Christian fiction is important to me!

One of the main reasons is because God is important to me. He’s the reason I live, He’s the very air I breathe, He’s the one who’s given me the desire and ability to read and write—so why should I not glorify Him through the fiction I consume and produce?

It’s also important because every book, whether I write it or read it, that’s filled with Christ draws me closer to Him and strengthens my faith. That’s the beauty of Christian fiction. It’s deep and poignant; it’s life-changing; it has purpose.

Finally, do you have a favorite British slang term? 😉

There are so many other amazing British slang words, so it’s kinda hard to choose a favorite…but probably “bloke.” There’s nothing really funny or strange about it—I just discovered the word once and now use it all the time. 😂 

Thanks so much for the interview, Grace! Congrats on the publication of Her Heart’s Home!

Thank you!! I so enjoyed answering all your questions! 🥰

Her Heart’s Home by Grace A. Johnson

Three years after her father died in the Great War, Meredith Tate has been forced from her home. With nary a friend in the world, she swallows her pride and takes a position at Deepdene House, a mansion turned hotel, as she seeks the Lord on what to do next.

What she doesn’t expect is to meet Captain Trevor Seaton, a quiet military man who manages to catch her at her worst moments.

Since the war, Trevor has drifted throughout southern England, until he’s drawn to Deepdene House. There, he encounters a woman with the hands of a servant, the bearing of a lady, and a heart of gold. Miss Tate ignites within him a yearning to settle down with a family, but convincing her to court him proves a struggle.

Will Trevor’s determined wooing and God’s gentle persuasion win Meredith over? Or will she forever be searching for a new home?

Grace A. Johnson’s Bio & Links:

Grace A. Johnson is a Christian fiction authoress, book reviewer, and avid reader. She lives in beautiful (but humid) South Georgia, surrounded by farmland and forestry, with her parents and six younger siblings. She has indie-published the first three novels in a Christian historical romance series, the Daughters of the Seven Seas, and a smattering of short stories and novellas, as well as a devotional.

She’s also a marketer and editor who loves helping young authors through her editing business S&J Editors and her small publishing company Sky’s the Limit Press. You can find her on Instagram and Facebook @graceajohnsonauthor or blogging on her website at www.graceajohnson.com. Join her for a virtual cup of tea and a free preview of her debut novel when you sign up for her e-newsletter!

Website: www.graceajohnson.com 

Instagram: www.instagram.com/graceajohnsonauthor 

Newsletter: www.graceajohnson.com/newsletter 

Amazon: www.amazon.com/author/graceajohnsonauthor 

Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/author/show/19003396.Grace_A_Johnson 

BookBub: www.bookbub.com/profile/grace-a-johnson 

Facebook: www.facebook.com/graceajohnsonauthor 

Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/graceajohnsonauthor 

Title: Springtime in Surrey : a Wild Blue Wonder Press anthology

Genre: Christian Women’s Fiction, both Historical and Contemporary

Short Blurb:

Springtime in Surrey, the first collection releasing with Wild Blue Wonder Press, is a Christian anthology featuring eight lovely stories. With a mix of historical and contemporary, romance and women’s fiction, a dash of mystery here and there, real-life themes presented in a loving way, and a vintage feel, this story is sure to charm lovers of Christian women’s fiction.

Ack! There was so much good advice in this interview! I may just have to convince Grace to come back in the future to do a guest post. More interviews are to come, so stay tuned!

Do you struggle with accountability sometimes? *cough me! Raises hand cough* What does your research method look like? Have you ever heard of the Westhumble Chapel? Do you have a favorite British slang term/saying? (I love ‘Off you pop!’, which I learned from watching Sherlock Holmes lol.)

6 thoughts on “Springtime In Surrey (Author Interview w/Grace A. Johnson)

  1. *gasps* I forgot Google Maps’ satellite imagery existed! I need to use that for my research when it comes to settings I know nothing about, lol!

    But anyway, this was SUCH a great interview! Thank you both for sharing it! ❤ As for my favorite British slang term…that would be "gutted" (meaning very disappointed/sad). I use it all the time because it describes that feeling so well. 😭😆 At first I didn't even realize it was a British term, but apparently it is. XD

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I never thought to try that either! It sounds like a cool idea.

      Aw, thank you! It was our pleasure.
      Lol, that’s a good phrase. Have you ever heard of ‘chuffed’? It means pleased/happy. That’s a fun one too (the things you learn when watching the Great British Baking Show XD.)

      Liked by 1 person

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