Off Star-Gazing (If the Stars Awaken Cover Reveal)

Good evening, everyone! I know, it's not the usual time I do a cover reveal. However, I thought that since the days are getting shorter, what better way to do a cover reveal than under the early evening stars? And tonight, we're off to see the stunning cover of Kate Willis's upcoming fantasy novel, If … Continue reading Off Star-Gazing (If the Stars Awaken Cover Reveal)

Exiled: A Cover Reveal

*rides up on pony* Let's see...where are we? *looks around wasteland* *spies audience nearby* Oh, hey everyone! Glad you could make it to today's cover reveal! Remember Spaghetti, my pony? *pony snorts and paws ground*. Good boy. Anyway, this cover reveal was supposed to be up on Tuesday, but we somehow got a bit lost … Continue reading Exiled: A Cover Reveal

Prince Of Vengeance Book Tour (Plus Sneak Peek and Authors’ Interview)

Book Info: Welcome to the third day of the Prince of Vengeance book tour! This sequel in the Dragon Prince Chronicles just released, and today, I get to not only share an author interview with you all, but also sneak peeks of the book! If you're just joining in for the first time (and are … Continue reading Prince Of Vengeance Book Tour (Plus Sneak Peek and Authors’ Interview)

Love Christmas in July? Then Meet This “Sweet” Cover Reveal!

“Would you like a cozy Christmas read that combines The Chronicles of Narnia with the Nutcracker?” Ah, the weather outside is...frightfully hot, honestly. XD I'm currently watching a winter-based princess movie to see if that'll help me feel cooler this summer. Is it working? Ehhh, sorta *lol*. If I could sit directly under the AC, … Continue reading Love Christmas in July? Then Meet This “Sweet” Cover Reveal!