What’s Their Name? Writer’s Tag (Plus Trails In Time’s Pinterest Board!)

Nope, I haven't forgotten my characters' names....yet. Now, getting them mixed-up on occasion? *turns to glance at Herminatrude who raises eyebrow at me* Ahem, well, maybe that has happened (You really should stop borrowing Penelope's hat and shawl, Herminatrude! It's an honest mistake, really *shakes head*). Anywho, it's been awhile since I did a tag, … Continue reading What’s Their Name? Writer’s Tag (Plus Trails In Time’s Pinterest Board!)

Be Write With You | Part. 3 (Written by Penelope J. Penwiggles)

Dear Penelope, I'm BORED! Bored, I tell you! I'm in the midst of a very exciting story, but my author thinks I need to slow down in some scenes and do, you know, something normal like SLEEP, or EAT. And I say: (This Character gets what I'm thinking!) Still, my author tells me these parts … Continue reading Be Write With You | Part. 3 (Written by Penelope J. Penwiggles)

Be Write With You (The Advice Column for the Struggling Story Character by Penelope J. Penwiggles)

Dear Penelope, I need your help! My author just got feedback that the story’s beginning drags too much and that the reader lost interest before the first page was over. Now my author is moping around, unsure how to fix it and eating way too much chocolate. How can I help them fix this? From, … Continue reading Be Write With You (The Advice Column for the Struggling Story Character by Penelope J. Penwiggles)