Once Upon Four Cover Reveals (The Epic Tale Continues…)

The Reader turned a slow circle. Nothing but pine trees, white oaks, and other trees she couldn't identify, surrounded her. She had to finally admit it: she was lost. Reaching into her back pocket she pulled out the flyer. It said: Cornerstone Book Series coming soon from Beyond the Bookery! Come see the Summer cover … Continue reading Once Upon Four Cover Reveals (The Epic Tale Continues…)

Once Upon A Cover Reveal…Or Four!

Once upon a time, a reader was traversing the kingdom in search of her next greatest read. One day, she overheard a bird tell its friend of an indie author named Abigail Harris, who founded Beyond the Bookery: a new, independent small press and boutique shop for Christian writers and readers. "This publisher is planning … Continue reading Once Upon A Cover Reveal…Or Four!