What’s Their Name? Writer’s Tag (Plus Trails In Time’s Pinterest Board!)

Nope, I haven't forgotten my characters' names....yet. Now, getting them mixed-up on occasion? *turns to glance at Herminatrude who raises eyebrow at me* Ahem, well, maybe that has happened (You really should stop borrowing Penelope's hat and shawl, Herminatrude! It's an honest mistake, really *shakes head*). Anywho, it's been awhile since I did a tag, … Continue reading What’s Their Name? Writer’s Tag (Plus Trails In Time’s Pinterest Board!)

Be Write With You (The Advice Column For Story Characters, Pt.2)

Dear Penelope, I’m so, so super excited because I just got my very first author! I was just walking along and then BAM! There they were. I knew right away, when I saw them, that they were for me, and I took them home immediately. But then it occurred to me that I have no … Continue reading Be Write With You (The Advice Column For Story Characters, Pt.2)

When the Stars Shine Again (Book Spotlight and Author Interview!)

Good evening, everyone! I'm so sorry I'm late with this interview (That was my bad; I got distracted with CWW *hehe*.) Anyway, it's a beautiful night out, isn’t it? Look at all those stars! I’ve brought some hot cocoa with me, so help yourself to a fresh cup. And Herminatrude has some leftover Christmas peppermint … Continue reading When the Stars Shine Again (Book Spotlight and Author Interview!)

Oops! I Almost Forgot to Mention Black Friday…

*in which Herminatrude arrives with a sticky note that says to not forget about the Black Friday sale post* *cough* Hehe...so that's where my reminder went. Hey, everyone! So, I'll make it quick. If you want to help out your favorite indie authors this holiday season, then be sure to check out Perry Kirkpatrick's Black … Continue reading Oops! I Almost Forgot to Mention Black Friday…

Interview with Jaidie Phillips (Guild of Thieves Release Tour)

Welcome back! Today, I got to interview Jaiden Phillips for her debut book release tour. Want to hear how she found her MC's name? Or why she loves writing YA? Then let's get started, shall we? (My questions will be in bold. All book info is at the end). Welcome to the blog, Jaidie! And … Continue reading Interview with Jaidie Phillips (Guild of Thieves Release Tour)

Guild of Thieves (Spotlight and Sneak Peek, Plus Virtual Cake)

Hooray!!! *runs around room throwing confetti and streamers* *realizes that my assistant Herminatrude has become lost in all the party paraphernalia* Oh...sorry about that Hermie. Didn't see you there. *brushes confetti off her shoulder and grins sheepishly* Hey folks! Today, my friend Jaidie Phillips, is having a release tour for her brand new debut novel! … Continue reading Guild of Thieves (Spotlight and Sneak Peek, Plus Virtual Cake)

A Snippet or Two (Because You Saw Me Countdown Post #5)

Welcome back! I think it's about time to share some more official sneak peeks of Because You Saw Me, don't you think? *chuckles* Most of the snippets I've shared over the year were from the various drafts of the story. But now that it's on its way to being published next Thursday (whaaa??) I think … Continue reading A Snippet or Two (Because You Saw Me Countdown Post #5)

In Which My Blog Gets Hijacked (Best of 2023, Five Fall Favorites)

IN WHICH A LOT OF BOOKS WERE READ (Five Fall Favorites) Blog Post Hijacked Post Written By Amy GREETINGS PEASANTS!!  *emerges from the depths of our room covered in paint and pencil smudges* Wait, hold on, I’ve just been informed not to call Lily’s followers ‘peasants’ *awkward silence* Anywhoo HARKEN! I’m back to hijack Lily’s … Continue reading In Which My Blog Gets Hijacked (Best of 2023, Five Fall Favorites)