Why This Book Is One of My Favorite Re-tellings… (A Fairytale Summer Blog Event Post!)

Do I talk about this Fairytale retelling enough? Probably not lol. Welcome to the next stop in Amelia Grace's Fairytale Summer Event! Today I'm sharing about a favorite, but somehow lesser known, fairytale retelling. One Christmas, my sister-in-law gifted me this beautiful MG retelling of Snow White And Rose Red. I remember reading that fairytale … Continue reading Why This Book Is One of My Favorite Re-tellings… (A Fairytale Summer Blog Event Post!)

And While She Was In the Tower She Saw…(Once Upon 4 Cornerstone Covers’ Reveal).

When we last saw our heroine, The Reader, she was left locked up in a tower. After bemoaning her fate for the past five minutes, she finally roused herself. "This is ridiculous," she said aloud. "I've read so many fairytales, I don't need to be a damsel in distress! There must be something I can … Continue reading And While She Was In the Tower She Saw…(Once Upon 4 Cornerstone Covers’ Reveal).

Once Upon Four Cover Reveals (The Epic Tale Continues…)

The Reader turned a slow circle. Nothing but pine trees, white oaks, and other trees she couldn't identify, surrounded her. She had to finally admit it: she was lost. Reaching into her back pocket she pulled out the flyer. It said: Cornerstone Book Series coming soon from Beyond the Bookery! Come see the Summer cover … Continue reading Once Upon Four Cover Reveals (The Epic Tale Continues…)

Love Christmas in July? Then Meet This “Sweet” Cover Reveal!

“Would you like a cozy Christmas read that combines The Chronicles of Narnia with the Nutcracker?” Ah, the weather outside is...frightfully hot, honestly. XD I'm currently watching a winter-based princess movie to see if that'll help me feel cooler this summer. Is it working? Ehhh, sorta *lol*. If I could sit directly under the AC, … Continue reading Love Christmas in July? Then Meet This “Sweet” Cover Reveal!