What’s Their Name? Writer’s Tag (Plus Trails In Time’s Pinterest Board!)

Nope, I haven't forgotten my characters' names....yet. Now, getting them mixed-up on occasion? *turns to glance at Herminatrude who raises eyebrow at me* Ahem, well, maybe that has happened (You really should stop borrowing Penelope's hat and shawl, Herminatrude! It's an honest mistake, really *shakes head*). Anywho, it's been awhile since I did a tag, … Continue reading What’s Their Name? Writer’s Tag (Plus Trails In Time’s Pinterest Board!)

Long Story Short… (Official Writing Update AND Newsletter Sign-up!)

This year, writing has taken a bit of a different turn for me. Instead of writing and publishing a middle grade novella, like I had done the past two years, I've turned to writing short stories. I've also started exploring chapter books for younger readers (think ages 6-9). Why the shift? Well, first, I fell … Continue reading Long Story Short… (Official Writing Update AND Newsletter Sign-up!)