And They All Lived Happily Ever-After…Or Did They? (Final Cornerstone Cover Reveals Plus Special Edition Covers)

The Reader swallowed a terrified gasp as the Giant lifted her and her fairy god-mother closer. "I've got something to say to you two," he said. "Oh good gravy and thistle-winks!" The Fairy God-mother exclaimed, throwing her hands over her face.The Reader squeezed her eyes shut. But after a moment, nothing happened. "Did either of … Continue reading And They All Lived Happily Ever-After…Or Did They? (Final Cornerstone Cover Reveals Plus Special Edition Covers)

Once Upon Four Cover Reveals (The Epic Tale Continues…)

The Reader turned a slow circle. Nothing but pine trees, white oaks, and other trees she couldn't identify, surrounded her. She had to finally admit it: she was lost. Reaching into her back pocket she pulled out the flyer. It said: Cornerstone Book Series coming soon from Beyond the Bookery! Come see the Summer cover … Continue reading Once Upon Four Cover Reveals (The Epic Tale Continues…)

*Shh!* Undercover Princess Cover Reveal… (And Author Interview).

*rides over on stubby little brown pony while wearing a big hat and sunglasses* *proceeds to climb off and meet you under a big oak tree on a horse farm somewhere in Kentucky* *pony snorts and sidesteps* Whoaa, easy there Spaghetti. *pats the pony's neck then turns to whisper to you* Hey guys, thanks for … Continue reading *Shh!* Undercover Princess Cover Reveal… (And Author Interview).

Cover Reveals of 2022 (Including Where Faith Remains Cover Reveal)

Wow, since its initial start back in March, this little blog of mine has participated in seven cover reveals this year (eight, if you count my novella). And I'm so honored to close out this year with one final reveal for an upcoming book by the lovely Joy C. Woodbury! This book, Where Faith Remains, … Continue reading Cover Reveals of 2022 (Including Where Faith Remains Cover Reveal)