This Gray Canvas Release Tour (Sneak Peak + Interview w/Author Jaiden Phillips!)

Because how did one explain the gray canvas I was trapped in?

In honor of Jaiden Phillips debut MG book release,This Gray Canvas, I got to have a chat with her about the writing process of her story. Plus, at the end, I’ll be sharing a special sneak peek of This Gray Canvas AND a super fun bonus too (so stay tuned for that!) But first, here’s a run-down of Jaidie’s book and what you need to know.

Book Info:

Release Date: June 25th, 2024

Genre: Middle-Grade Contemporary

Author: Jaiden Phillips

Cover Art: Jaiden Phillips

Book Blurb:

Because how did one explain the gray canvas I was trapped in?

Ethan was born into a world of black and white a medical condition known as monochromatic vision, but with one exception—he can see the color green. After moving from the Colorado countryside to New York City, Ethan struggles to adjust to the busy and colorless atmosphere.

When encouraged to join a local art contest by his grandfather and a peppy bookworm named Sophie, Ethan considers it. But when the bullies at school get a hold of his sketchpad, and make fun of his colorless art, Ethan wonders if he has anything worth sharing at all. Because how could anyone understand the gray canvas of his life?

Let the interview begin! My questions are in bold 🙂

Hi Jaidie! Welcome back to the blog. A big congratulations on This Gray Canvas’s release! So tell me, what was the hardest part in writing the book?

The research definitely…lol…lots, and lots, and lots of research that was hard to come by XD And getting Ethan to talk to the other characters, he’s too much like me…lol! *pats the little introverted cinnamon roll on the head*

Did you know right away that you wanted Ethan to see the color green, or did that aspect come later after research?

    Yes! The idea for the story actually sparked from a selective color photo on Pinterest of gray pencils with one green pencil! And that raised the question, what if you were an artist who could only see in black and white…and green? And tah-dah, This Gray Canvas was born!

    What was your go-to resource (i.e book, website, or article) that helped with understanding Monochromacy?

      This website! It was an absolute lifesaver!👇😊

      If you could only see one color in a world of gray, which would it be?

        Um, tough one, but probably green like Ethan. I live in the mountains so there is a ton of green, so I’d have plenty of color to enjoy!

        Which character was the easiest to write, and which did you find the most difficult?

          Sophie was definitely the easiest, she’s just so fun and bubbly, she basically writes herself! 😉

           Most difficult, was surprisingly Ethan…lol… It wasn’t so much explaining his condition (tho that was hard too) but more so that he is 96% introverted…lol…getting that boy to talk/interact with the other characters was wayyyy too hard!!! And he’s an overthinker, so he tends to think, then rethink, then correct himself, and rethink again XD but I love him so much!

          Why are middle grade stories important to you?

            Because we need more clean middle grade books that actually teach kids life lessons, friendship, being kind to others, learning to appreciate what they have, stories that stretch their creativity and their imagination.

            It seems middle grade books these days are either full of public agendas, gore, or even language in some cases, or they’re light, funny books that make you laugh but in the end have no substance.

            I want to write middle grade books that kids and teens can both enjoy, that are clean but not so fuzzy and light that there isn’t any meaning behind it.

             I want to write books kids will enjoy but also learn from. Books that teach kids to be kind to those around them because they have no idea what other people might be dealing with. Books that show kids that it’s okay to tell your family what you’re feeling and let them help you. Books that teach us to be grateful for what we already have right in front of us. That shows the importance of family, friendship, and kindness.

            More books like the classic Narnia series, that show us the impossible, that show evil but also tells us we can overcome that evil. I want more middle grade books like that, that show the character’s struggles, they’re battles, but also show us how they overcome those obstacles, like Ethan 😉

            What theme do you hope kids will take away from your book?

              Hmm… for one, I hope it teaches kids to be considerate to those around them because they have no idea what that person may be going through. To be kind instead of judging a person by what they may seem like on the outside.

              Another one is to realize that home is not a place you feel like you belong, but it’s the people who love you that make it home. It’s not four walls, or rolling meadows or city lights, it’s the people around you who love you and believe in you.

              Also, one of the most important ones is not to doubt your worth based on other people’s words. God made you just the way you are for a reason. No one sees the world like you do or creates like you do!

              Random bonus question! If you could be an ice pop, what flavor would you be?

                Oof, hard one but… probably strawberry that way I’d be my favorite color, pink! XD

                Ah, great color choice! Thanks so much for the chat, Jaidie! We had a fun time learning more about This Gray Canvas.

                About the Author:

                Jaiden Phillips is a teen author residing in the mountains of western North Carolina. She has six older siblings and one set of amazing parents!

                More often than not, you can find her sketching one of her wild ideas, writing out a scene for a book, or giving her sisters a healthy dose of sarcasm.

                Her debut novel, The Guild of Thieves, is available on Amazon!

                Author Links:

                My linktree:

                And now for the sneak peek!

                Ready for the fun announcement?

                As a bonus to everyone who orders This Gray Canvas (between June 25th and July 9th) you’ll receive a hand-drawn character card of Ethan, the main character. BUT FIRST you’ll need to submit your receipt/order info to this form here to claim your prize.

                For U.S residents, you’ll get a physical card; for international residents, you’ll receive a digital copy to print.

                Is it cool, or what?! Jaidie digitally colored the picture with colors only Ethan can see, so you get to see him the way he sees himself.

                Here’s the form link to claim your card!

                And here’s the book link, once more, to order your copy now 🙂

                Before you go, there’s other interviews, character art, and sneak peeks going on this week! You can find it all via the schedule below.

                Tour Schedule:

                Monday, June 24th

                Sisters Three – Blog Tour Launch Announcement 

                Rhys-Marie Whitnell – Spotlight

                Emma Crooks – Spotlight and review

                Tuesday, June 25th

                Issabelle Perry – Character Interview

                Kristina Hall – Spotlight

                Kylie Beevers – Spotlight and Sneak Peek

                Virginia Henderson – Book Spotlight

                Wednesday, June 26th

                Jaiden Phillips Art – Character Art and Spotlight

                Lorelei Angelino – Spotlight

                Thursday, June 27th

                The Introspective Introvert – Author Interview, Sneak Peek, and Spotlight

                Writers’ Vision – Spotlight

                Friday, June 28th

                Old Fashioned Book Love – Review and Spotlight

                Saraina Whitney – Review and Sneak Peek

                Sisters Three – End of Tour Post

                If you could only see one color in a world of gray, which would you choose? What kind of ice pop flavor would you be?

                5 thoughts on “This Gray Canvas Release Tour (Sneak Peak + Interview w/Author Jaiden Phillips!)

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