Let’s Visit a Galaxy Far, Far Away (New MG Graphic Novel by E.B Roshan.)

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away (*cough* Actually, it was just last year in my room…), I took an adventure with a debut sci-fi graphic novel for kids. It was based off of the Greek legend of the Minotaur, and I quickly became friends with the main character and his sidekick. Now the author, E.B Roshan, has just released another story set on a new planet with new friends.

Curious to see the book cover and learn what it’s about? Hop in your rocket and let’s go take a look!




Blast off! (Or ‘engage’, ‘lift-off’, or whatever you prefer lol.)

(Oh, and watch out for that meteor on your way over!)

If only I could do the cool opening crawl that all the Star Wars movie intros do…XD

And we made it!

Synopsis and Book Link

“Farz and his family are Silki-charmers; they follow the giant, spiderlike creatures known as “Silkis” through their jungle home, harvesting their precious silk. It’s been their family’s tradition for generations. But Silkis can be dangerous and not everyone wants them around. Farz may be ready to try a different life, but he doesn’t want the Silkis to disappear forever.”

If you’d like to learn more or get your own copy, you can find all the book links here.

A big congrats to E.B. Roshan’s new release! If you’d like to meet her, or find more of her books, hop on over to her Goodreads profile.

Thanks for taking this little space detour with me. Do you enjoy reading graphic novels? If you like Star Wars, which is your favorite character? And totally random: has anyone else seen Little Enstein as a kid?

7 thoughts on “Let’s Visit a Galaxy Far, Far Away (New MG Graphic Novel by E.B Roshan.)

  1. Either R2-D2, the unsung badass who works in the background, or Chewbacca, because he’s big and hairy and short-tempered, just like me. I haven’t watched any of the recent Star Wars series, and from what I’m hearing, I’m probably ok with that.

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      1. I have a funny story about me and Chewbacca and being hairy that I don’t think I’ve used in DLTDGB yet… I’ll have to put it in my notes to make sure to include that in either year 5 or 6… if I ever start writing again… :\

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          1. The actual conversation happened on a retreat with the other youth leaders at J-Cov, and I remember one other thing that happened at that retreat. I don’t remember when it was, or what year, so I’ll have to make up a lot of stuff.

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