Once Upon A Cover Reveal…Or Four!

Once upon a time, a reader was traversing the kingdom in search of her next greatest read. One day, she overheard a bird tell its friend of an indie author named Abigail Harris, who founded Beyond the Bookery: a new, independent small press and boutique shop for Christian writers and readers.

“This publisher is planning on releasing a multi-author novella series centered around Fairytale retellings,” the first bird said. “It’s called The Cornerstone Series, and is rumored to be releasing this fall.”

“I hear that the covers are just beautiful,” said the second. “Why, I believe that they’ll be revealing the first four today!” Eagerly, both flew away to spread the news.

“Oh, I love fairytales,” the reader sighed. “If only I could see the covers.”

Suddenly, a cloud of sparkles came down from the sky. The reader jumped back and blinked as a woman with wings and a very poofy, pink and glitter-y dress appeared before her.

“Why you’re in luck!” exclaimed the woman. “I, your fairy-godmother, am here to make your dream come true!”

“My fairy-godmother?” the reader gasped. “Wait, where have you been my entire life?”

The woman waved some magic fluff out of her hair and smoothed the wrinkles on her skirt. “Hmm? What was that dear? Oh, well, I hit a bit of traffic on the way over, and let’s just say, it was all downhill since then…but ANYWAY! I am here, and I am ready to make your wish come true!” With a flourish she produced a silver wand with a giant sparkly pom pom on top.

“Sparzle-poof!” she exclaimed. And a giant beanstalk rose from the earth. The reader yelped.

“Oh, of green beans and slippers!” the fairy god-mother exclaimed, stamping her foot. “That was supposed to be a grand staircase. Well, my wand hasn’t been the same since that run-in with that nasty golden-egg laying goose. Vicious little creature I say.”

“But where does this go?” the reader asked.

“Why, to the first four covers of The Cornerstone series, dear,” she replied. “They are the Spring Novellas of the group! You’ll have to climb, though. Be quick. And don’t stay up there too long. Just a quick peek, now off you go! I’ll, uh, be joining you in a bit.”

She gave the reader a tight smile before shaking her wand and turning it upside down. “Now, if I just re-adjust this little wire here….”

So the reader began the climb up the beanstalk.

She climbed…

and climbed…

and climbed…


“A door!” she cried, after reaching the top. She raced over and threw it open. A delighted gasp escaped as she beheld…

“Ah, you found them!” the fairy god-mother cried as she flew up to meet her. “Stunning, aren’t they? They were created by the hard-working elves over at Mountain Peaks Edit and Design (not to be confused with their distant cousins who work for Heart and Sole Boot and Shoe Co.)”

“I can’t wait to read these,” said the reader. “If only I knew when they would be released.”

“Ahem, well…” the fairy god-mother tapped the reader’s shoulder and pointed to their right. “It’s over there.”

“Pre-orders! How exciting!”

And here’s your magic link to get started. You’ll find it at the top of the page.”

“Oh, thank you so much, Fairy God-mother!”

“You’re most welcome, my dear.” The fairy god-mother smiled and bowed. “You’ll be happy to know that all these lovely, non-magical books feature faith, clean romance, danger, and courage. Something to help you on your own journey.”

“Do you think you could help me go to a ball next?” the reader asked. “Or find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Or could you make every word I speak turn into gold and jewels?!”

“Ah…how about one thing at a time.”

A sudden tremor shook the clouds.

“Dear me, it’s the giant!” The fairy god-mother cried. “Quick, we must make our escape!” With a wave of her wand, she created a giant flying shoe. Hopping in, they both flew away back to the safety of the village far below. There, the reader said her good-byes and went off to find her next happily-ever-after in her new books.

But it wasn’t really the end. No, it was only the beginning of new adventures. And they’re waiting for you as well.

The Cornerstone Series is a multi-author book series featuring the following authors:

Laurie Lucking, Kirsten Fichter, E. G. Bella, Jewel Windall, Saraina Whitney, Rachel Kovaciny, Abigail Kay Harris, Madisyn Carlin, Lucy Peterson, Anna Augustine, Olivia Godfrey, Kendall Hoxsey, K. R. Mattson, C. K. Heartwing,  Kendra E. Ardnek, Katja H. Labonté

Cover designer: @mountainpeakeditsanddesign | Cover Design by Mountain Peak Edits & Design

Publisher: @beyondthebookery | Bellator de Lux Publishing

Which Fairytale adventure would you like to go on?

11 thoughts on “Once Upon A Cover Reveal…Or Four!

      1. Hmm… early this year I read The Dericott Tales by Melanie Dickerson, and right now I’m reading a genderbent Robin Hood-inspired one called Dauntless by Dina L. Sleiman! It’s good so far!

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