Did I Just Drop a Major Writing Teaser? (*cough* I Mean, Books My Characters Would Read Part 2)

Not long after I had put together a book list that some of my characters brought me, more of them came to my desk.

“What about us? We want to join too,” they had said. “Can we be featured in the post?”

“Oh sure,” I had told them. “But this list is pretty long already. I can do a follow up post if you bring me a list.”

So, while I prepared other blog posts for the week, my other characters spent the time gathering up the books they were reading. Soon, they arrived with a wagon-load of books!

“What in the world–?” I began.

“Piper couldn’t pick just a couple picture books,” Finn explained to me with a grin.

“I see.” I saw Piper give me a big smile as she held up Blue Kangaroo, one of my own favorite books growing up. How could I say ‘no’ to that face?

And so, here’s what they handed me. Hope you enjoy exploring Part Two! (All links go back to Goodreads.)

Piper, age 3 (from Should We Tell Her?)

Lyla, age 13 (from An Apprentice Escapes)

Finn, age 12 (from An Apprentice Escapes)

Paige, age 12 (from Trails in Time)

Ezra, age 11 (from Trails in Time)

Nova, age 10 (from Nova and the Lost Stars)

I almost forgot to add one last book! Just recently, Nari read Miss Rumphius to Agatha and several of the younger characters. They greatly enjoyed this picture book (and honestly, it perfectly relates to the themes of Agatha’s story). I think the flowers and illustrations were their favorite parts. They asked me to share it with you before you go 🙂

Anywho, I hope you enjoyed this peek into my other characters’ book lists, and I hope you find a lot of fun books to check out. If you’re ever interested in reading the books my own characters are in, you can find them here

…oh wait, what’s that you say? I don’t have published stories called Trails in Time or Nova and the Lost Stars?

….*cough* Did I just accidentally drop the official titles of my upcoming stories?? Whaa? Oh look at that, it’s time to go! Have a great day, everyone!

*grins and dashes back into the depths of my writing hole*

11 thoughts on “Did I Just Drop a Major Writing Teaser? (*cough* I Mean, Books My Characters Would Read Part 2)

      1. I’m so excited!! 😀 I was struggling with plot issues in my Goose Girl retelling, but I had a little lightbulb moment yesterday, so now I have a better idea of what my plot will look like. There are still tons of little details to work out, but hey, I’m making progress! 😉

        How about you? 😊

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Ooo, yay for lightbulb moments! I’m glad to hear it’s working out (can’t wait to read it too.)

          I’m taking a brief break before I return to editing lol. But other than that, this little short story is turning out.

          P.s Speaking of geese, the mention of your story reminded me of the baby geese that I’ve been seeing out and about lately (ducklings too by the lake near our house.) Ack! They’re all so adorable!

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Yes!! (Thank you! 😀 )

            Haha taking a break before editing is always a good idea! 😉 That’s great to hear!

            AWW. Baby birds are the cutest things ever!!! 🥰 (Lol, now whenever I see geese, I immediately think of my story 😂)

            Liked by 1 person

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