Giveaway, Writing Updates, and Oh Right, I’ve Been Blogging For Two Years (…What???)

Happy Blogoversary (March 1, 2022)

I almost forgot my two year blogoversary *lol*. BUT, better late than never! I’m so excited and thankful to celebrate two wonderful happy years with my online community, and today, I get to bring you some fun stuff!

First, I’ll start by saying, I updated my site! I decided that I’m going to drop the Introspective Introvert title (as it seems I’m not exactly introspective in many of my posts…? And although I’m more introverted in real life, I don’t seem to always come across that way online…?) Anywho, I decided it’s time to lean more into my writer-ly brand as a children’s/MG author. I didn’t change too much on the homepage except for graphics (which Amy helped me designed *thank you!*), a new profile pic, and just a better intro. Also, all the other graphics on the other pages have been changed to match the new theme. Hopefully, it stands out and is more eye-catching. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the color blue. But after getting some feedback from family, I realized it needed to pop more. If you’d like to see the updated homepage, click here! Or feel free to peruse the rest of the site at your leisure ๐Ÿ™‚

Second: I’m opening a seasonal Etsy shop! *gulps*. It’s my first time using Etsy, and I’m just selling a few things to see how it goes. It’s not up just yet, but I *hopefully* will return next week with a more official post and what you can expect from it.

Third: Writing updates! I’ll keep them brief, as I know you’re excited to hear about the giveaway (or you know, you just scrolled there first and then came back to read this later. Totally fine. It’s something I’d do too XD.) But anyway, lately I’ve been working on short stories this year, for different anthologies. I’m also stepping into the world of chapter books for ages 6-9 years old. And on top of that, I’m doing historical research for some ideas kicking around in the notebook. I’ll hopefully go into greater detail on all of these soon (as I’m still editing and submitting the short stories.) However, I plan on sharing snippets soon, so keep an eye out for that! ๐Ÿ™‚

Finally, the moment you’ve all been waiting for: The giveaway, in which anyone can enter! In celebration of two years of blogging, I’m giving away a free ebook to three winners (aka, if you win, you can pick any of my ebooks you’d like, and I’ll send you the file of choice) PLUS an exclusive excerpt from a short story I’m working on for an upcoming anthology.

Ready to enter? Simply enter your name and preferred email address and you’re in! No extra steps needed. The giveaway will run from today (Wednesday, March 6th) to Friday, March 15th midnight PST.

You can find the giveaway here.

This blog has been so much fun, and I just want to thank each and every one of you for joining me in this writing journey. You’ve all blessed and encouraged me so much, and I appreciate it! Lord willing, here’s to many more years to come on the blog.

Tell me, what’s your favorite part of this blog? What would you like to see more of? Have you ever tried historical research, and what’s your favorite anthology that you’ve read? Let’s chat below!

P.s. As of now, we’re at 185 blog subscribers!!! *whoo-hoo!* *throws confetti everywhere* Thank you all for following along!

23 thoughts on “Giveaway, Writing Updates, and Oh Right, I’ve Been Blogging For Two Years (…What???)

  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Oh my goodness, I LOVE the new look of your blog!! It’s so beautiful and fits with your style so well! ๐Ÿฅฐ๏ธ

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, thank you so much, Emily!

      Well, I may have too many needle-felted bunnies and fairies that need a home lol. I’m hoping to do just a spring sale each year. Lord willing, the shop will go live next week (if Etsy can approve all the forms I have to fill out first.)

      Liked by 1 person

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