Indie Books (Five Fall Favorites)

I’m so behind on indie books, it’s shameful XD. Welcome back to the blog, everyone! Today, we’re going to look at my indie bookshelf of 2023 *glances at Kindle*. Um, lately, I have not read as many indie books as I would’ve liked this year (I’ve got to make a new resolution to read more *facepalm*). However, the ones that I did read, I really enjoyed and can’t wait to share them with you!

Heard In Silence: A Short Story Collection (Curated by Kaytlin Phillips)

I’ll start by saying that I’m very biased with this collection XD. I know a lot of the authors, and my own short story is in it as well.This anthology features a lot of deaf/hearing loss representation. While not perfect, the authors really strove to write uplifting and grace-filled stories. It was a lot of fun reading each other’s stories, and I loved getting a sense of different authors’ writing styles. I can’t choose a favorite, because each one is talented in their own right. I am, however, starting a petition for sequels to many of the stories in this book, so if you read it and would like to join me, you know where to find me ;).

A Ransomed Grete (Chautona Havig)

When I saw that the ebook was free, I decided to give it a shot. I’ve seen a lot of Chautona’s books on Goodreads, so it was my first book by her. I loved her take on Hansel and Gretel. And setting it during WWII was so intriguing! Plus, she managed to throw in a murder mystery plot line?! As for characters, Hans and Grete felt so real (I love them very much and wish for more stories about them). The author did a great job of portraying the children, and exploring the difficulties parents faced when having to send their kids away. I think aside from the kids, Paul was also my favorite character.

CW: There’s a murder, a person gets strangled (though the actions were not described), and mentions of blood/shooting.

Rose of Fate (by Kaytlin Phillips)

I really really really wanted to add this one to the list, even though it’s not published yet. It’s supposed to be part of an anthology novella curated by Madisyn Carlin, and set to release early next spring. I got to beta read the story, and the pacing/suspense! *chef’s kiss* Well done. I was dying to know what would happen (also, the world-building was cool. I liked the author’s take on different terms for mother/father, etc.) And of course, there was a mystery element to it that I really liked (have I mentioned that I love mystery stories, even if it’s more of a subplot? XD).

Who Murdered Nelson Manning? (Virginia Henderson)

This short story is just perfect for a stormy autumn day, when you just want to curl under the covers, and read by candlelight (or not, if you’re like me and worried about accidentally setting something on fire XD. In which case, I’ll just turn on some electric candles or the fairy lights my sister hung around our room.) The writing just made me feel like I was in New York (and watching an old black/white movie!) Nelson was a great character, and I never saw that little plot twist at the end! I do hope there might be a sequel? Maybe? ‘Cause I still have questions, even though it was a good ending.

CW: Though not a ‘murder mystery’ per se, there is death and shady corrupt business dealings going on.

May We Make Them Proud (Issabelle Perry)

When I heard that Issabelle was releasing her first novelette, I knew I had to see what it was about. And guys, it’s so sweet and heart-breaking! Descriptions were really good, and I loved the depth to the themes. It packed an emotional punch, and you can tell the author poured her heart into this book. Go ahead and find it on Goodreads. I’ll be on standby with tissues if you need it.

CW: Nothing to report, really. It was a sweet, clean read.

And you can find more indie book reads and more over on our event hostess’s blog right here! Kate will once again be linking to all the bloggers’ sites for easier navigation. Speaking of indie books, don’t forget to check out today’s free ebook deal! My short story, An Apprentice Escapes, is free today (actually, it’s going to be the last time it’s free before we start the reprint of the second edtion).

So if you haven’t read it yet, and want to see the original illustrations/graphic designs, snag your ebook copy here!

Eep! Only two days left in the Five Fall Favorites event. Have you read any of these stories yet? Or any books by the authors listed above? What indie books would you recommend me to check out next? (I’m currently reading Red Rover by Perry Kirkpatrick, and getting a kick out of Brent’s and Emily’s banter *lol*).

23 thoughts on “Indie Books (Five Fall Favorites)

  1. Awww, Lily, thank you SOOOO much for including MWMTP!!! I feel so honored, girl!!!! You sweet comments about the book just made my day!!

    Who Murdered Nelson Manning? and Heard in Silence anthology are two that are on my TBR list!! You made them sound even more awesome so I’m going to have to jump it up on my list. (And I feel like I will be joining you on that petition after I read the anthology!!)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yay, it’s our anthology!!!!! That was so fun! (Though I can already see where I could strengthen my writing even more, lol.) Hey, hey, I’ve already got plans to make my story into something more! I just need to do… alot… of… research. *looks over to see all the classical composers smiling at me and waving piles of letters, autobios, memoirs, and encylopedia articles about them and their works in my direction* Gulp.

    I was gonna say something more about something else, but my mind’s gone blank. Crud!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, I tend to do that too with what I’ve written (and then everyone tells me it’s fine, and that I’m seeing things XD.)

      Whaa? More to the story? *leans forward in chair* I must learn more! Oh, um, well, after these composers finish talking to you first lol. BUT I would like to hear more when you get a chance!

      Lol, no problem, happens to me all the time!


  3. Ahh, great list, girly!! I still have my ARC of Heard in Silence to read (I am sooo sorry….) and I am so eager for the Black Rose collection! I haven’t read Chautona Havig’s book but I also picked it up and really wanna read it. And Issabelle’s book is sooo cute. I have Virginia’s, just haven’t read it yet. I keep reading NELSON MANDELA instead of NELSON MANNING…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you! Oh, no worries, there’s no rush. There’s so many books and ARCs to read lol. I totally get it. I hope you enjoy the book when you do read it!

      Haha, I sometimes mix up title names too. Ooo, let me know what you think when you read Nelson’s story!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh my goodness, I can’t WAIT to read “Rose of Fate!” Even the name is beautiful!!! And I totally agree about “May We Make Them Proud” and “Who Murdered Nelson Manning?” – I loved both of them!

    Liked by 3 people

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