The Guardian (Cover Reveal)

Happy February, everyone! Please excuse the mess; been busy working on various projects *plucks bits of roving wool out of hair*. Huh, where did that come from? *shakes head*

Anyway, today, we get to kick off the month with our first 2023 cover reveal! (And no, just because it’s 2023, I will not stop making you scroll on these posts *grins*.)

So, as always, let’s start by introducing the awesome author behind this upcoming release (Ooo, ‘awesome author’… gotta use that term again…)

About the author:

Abbigail is a dreamer who explores past worlds through the pages of imagination. She desires to write and glorify God in all she does and invites readers to join creative adventures through the written word. When she isn’t writing, she can be found reading, enjoying her earl grey tea, and jamming out to music. She lives with her crazy but amazing family in Alberta, Canada.

You can connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, or her website.

And let’s start the scrolling!


I forgot the links to Abigail’s social media platforms…

And I think there was something else I was supposed to add…

*rummages in folder*

Keep going! I’ll be back in a sec!

Aha! Here it is!

The Guardian’s synopsis!!

Book Blurb:

God only gives so many wake-up calls… Will she answer?

Survival on the prairies of 1850s Texas is full of hardship and tragedy. Felicia “Felix” Taylor would know. Raising her sisters, running the farm, and connecting with her neighboring friends keeps her grounded. But when the providential and the coincidental occur, how will she respond? Will she acknowledge that it may be the God she turned her back on? Will she let Him in? Or will she steal her heart against the faith that betrayed her?

(Now the cover is here somewhere…)

Nope, not the cover. Just the Goodreads and pre-order links.

Preorder links:


United States

Add to Goodreads

Victory! I found it!! (Why’d you put it in here, Herminatrude? *sighs* Good help is hard to find.) Anywho…


Is that watercolor gorgeous, or what?! (Abbigail said that her great uncle painted the illustration.)

If you want to pre-order the book or add it to your Goodreads shelf, check out the links below! And I’ll leave Abbigail’s social media links down there too, so you won’t have to scroll back and find them (I told you it was a bit of a mess in here XD.)

Connect With Abbigail:





Preorder links:


United States

Add to Goodreads

And that’s it for today! Let’s visit below! What’s one thing you’re excited for this month? Have you ever tried painting with watercolors before? Who likes western stories?

14 thoughts on “The Guardian (Cover Reveal)

        1. Those sound beautiful! I haven’t seen a lot of watercolor fantasy creatures, I believe.
          Haha, no, I’m a terrible artist. But my younger sister loves art and she’s been practicing more with watercolors (mainly landscapes and little cottages/churches.)


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