Cover Reveals of 2022 (Including Where Faith Remains Cover Reveal)

Wow, since its initial start back in March, this little blog of mine has participated in seven cover reveals this year (eight, if you count my novella). And I’m so honored to close out this year with one final reveal for an upcoming book by the lovely Joy C. Woodbury! This book, Where Faith Remains, is set to release next year and is the first in an upcoming series (eep! So exciting right?). Here’s a little bit about the story.


1968: Though severely depressed and haunted by the demons that attack him day and night, amputee Russell Campbell has the will to live for one little girl who needs him: Eliza, the orphaned baby of a fallen comrade. When he adopts Eliza as his daughter, a miracle happens—he experiences the love he never thought possible. Through little Eliza, the only person to ever love him unconditionally, the Lord begins to heal his heart, although the demons don’t go away.

1975: Seven-year-old Eliza Campbell has everything, because to her, her adoptive father is everything. She loves him more than anything in the world—the man whose tender heart and gentle hand guide her in Christ. Eliza knows she and her papa don’t belong anywhere, except with each other. Others think they make an odd pair—a little black girl and a white Vietnam War veteran with battle scars both seen and unseen.

Russell has always taught Eliza that Jesus brings healing, but then tragedy strikes. Eliza’s earth is shattered, for her worst fear may just come true: a scary diagnosis might tear her father away from her forever. Why would Jesus let this happen, if He really loves and cares for them as Russell says He does? Is He really to be trusted? Or is it possible that the darkness can be a place where faith remains?

With themes of trauma and healing, forgiveness and redemption, light overcoming the darkness, and racial equality, Where Faith Remains is a tender and deeply moving adoptive love story. It’s the first novel in Russell & Eliza, Joy C. Woodbury’s Christian family saga about the legacy of their love.

Meet the author!

Joy C. Woodbury is a teenage Seventh-day Adventist Christian and scribe of historical fiction and biblical fiction. She loves Jesus, St. Paul, the family of Christ, theology, and tiramisu. Her passion is bringing hope and light into the world through fictional tales, and her stories feature ordinary people with extraordinary faith in God. She can often be found daydreaming, over-analyzing books and movies, and jamming to contemporary worship music. You can connect with her at her website,

And now on to the cover reveal! Since it’s almost Christmas, I won’t make you madly scroll past dots to the end of the post (well, okay, I included…several at the end. I mean, it wouldn’t be the same without them, right?) Instead, I thought I’d shake things up and do a recap of all the covers done this year before revealing the awesome cover of Where Faith Remains.

Enjoy this look back on 2022’s Cover Reveals!

*cues epic music*

March 16th
July 11th
July 14 and 18
July 22nd
August 1st
August 22nd
October 11th
November 15th

And finally…

Ah!!! The color scheme is so beautiful! And Eliza holding Russel’s hand adds the perfect touch to the theme of the story!

Before you go, here’s the link to add this book to your Goodreads Shelf. And if you’d like to connect with Joy, check out the links below!





Thanks so much for reading. I can’t wait to see what cover reveals this blog will do in 2023!

4 thoughts on “Cover Reveals of 2022 (Including Where Faith Remains Cover Reveal)

  1. hbgfdhfghjgfd THE BOOK SOUNDS SO INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL AND JUST?? PHENOMENAL?? I NEED IT RIGHT NOW PLEASE AND THANK YOU 😭😭 also yes omg the color scheme of the cover IS PERFECTION. in love with all of it!! I LOVE THIS AND AM ETERANLLY GRATEFUL TO YOU FOR ALL THE BOOKS I’VE GOTTEN TO KNOW OF BECAUSE OF YOU IN THE PAST YEAR!!! cant wait to see all your posts next year <33

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ooo, I forgot about using the word ‘phenomenal’!! That’s a perfect way to describe it!
      Aw, girl, you just made my day! Thank you so much for reading (and I’m so glad you got to find new books through this blog!) I can’t wait to see what 2023 brings too! *passes out celebratory chocolate*


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