Tour Sign-Ups for Should We Tell Her? (Plus other info).

Welcome back, everyone! Hope you had a great weekend! So today, I’m officially opening up tour sign-ups for my new book Should We Tell Her? You can find the sign up form HERE. Form will close sometime on the 28th or 29th of this month. (By the way, I forgot to mention that if you’re posting on a blog, please leave the link so I can direct people to your site in the tour schedule. Thank you so much!)

Also, I just submitted the Kindle version of the book for pre-order, so as soon as I get the link, I’ll post it here on the blog. Speaking of release day, so far, it seems that August 1st will be the day the paperback will be released as well (with proof copies coming this week. Unless something drastic happens. Like ostriches holding up traffic. *serious face* It could happen.)

Anyway, I have just one more thing before you go. Like the organized person that I am, I *cough actually remembered cough* to put the book up on Goodreads, so as soon as they approve the book, I’ll share the link so you can add it to your shelf!

Thank you again for helping out! This is my first official tour and I’m just so excited!! For those of you who’ve already asked for ARCs, I’m going to start sending them out this week (again, since it’s last minute, you don’t have to post it during the tour; any time after will be just fine too.)

Alright, I think that’s about it. Thanks so much for reading; I can’t wait to hear from you!

18 thoughts on “Tour Sign-Ups for Should We Tell Her? (Plus other info).


    I AM SO SO SO SO SO EXCITED FOR THIS LILY!!!!!! AAAAH CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!! *sends buckets of chocolate* *hugs* I’ve signed up, and can’t wait for the beginning of the blog tour!!! I’m just generally excited to read the book all around because it looks like it’s gonna be SO GOOD. And An Apprentice Escapes wasn’t long enough (in a good way as in I WANTED MORE) so I’m excited to read a longer project from you!!!!! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope so!! (because I saw on the news that an ostrich got loose in one small city *yikes!*)

      EEP!! I’m so excited too!! I hope you enjoy it when it comes out!!

      Lol, yes, I can see why people would want more 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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