And While She Was In the Tower She Saw…(Once Upon 4 Cornerstone Covers’ Reveal).

When we last saw our heroine, The Reader, she was left locked up in a tower. After bemoaning her fate for the past five minutes, she finally roused herself.

“This is ridiculous,” she said aloud. “I’ve read so many fairytales, I don’t need to be a damsel in distress! There must be something I can do.” Unfortunately, there weren’t enough sheets to tie together into a rope that could reach the bottom of the tower. However, she realized that she could swing her makeshift rope as a lasso and catch one of the tower’s crenelations from the window.

An idea formed in her mind as she gazed once more around the room. Thankfully, because she read a lot, she was armed with the power of knowledge. Grabbing a silver mirror, five old newspapers, a handful of pillow feathers, and some cooking oil above the stove, she swung her makeshift rope onto the crenelation and climbed to the flat roof with all her things.

The Reader piled up the feathers and papers, and poured the oil on top. Next, she angled the mirror to catch the sunlight.

“Work, come on! You know you want too,” she murmured. To her delight, a wisp of smoke began to rise and grow until a flame flickered out and caught the pile of makeshift kindling.

“Hooray!” she cheered as the fire grew. Smoke billowed out over the trees on the wind. Now, all she had to do was wait for help. But for a long time, nobody came. The Reader had to go back down and grab some more newspapers and magazines (Once Upon a Times Publication and Rolling Gnomes to be exact. She kept out Bon Apple-Tuit to read about the 87 ways to use an apple in everyday life. Who knew this princess was so knowledgeable about fruit?)

These papers fed the fire for a while longer. Dismayed, she watched one of the articles slowly burn up. It read:

“The Fall Cornerstone Cover Reveals are set to be released today at the Atlantis Palace Hotel. All citizens have gathered in anticipation to see what the hard-working elves at @mountainpeakeditsanddesign had created. Rumor and speculation on which fairytales will be featured have been buzzing among the crowd. Some are here only for the food, others for entertainment; and another in an interview said, ‘I thought this was where I got my shoes fixed!’ He also declined further comment and disappeared to find some elves to help his predicament.”

The Reader sighed. She was going to miss it all. Suddenly, there was a loud whoosh and a high-pitched yell. Jumping to her feet, she saw…she saw…her fairy-godmother? And she was riding on a flying carpet?

“Wheeee!” The Fairy God-mother cried as the carpet skidded to halt on the top of the tower. “Dear me, I just look at my hair. Oh my darling god-daughter! There you are. After my conference meeting, I searched for you and thought I lost you to those awful woods!”

The Reader threw her arms around her. “I’m so glad you found me!”

“Truth be told, I thought it was a dragon starting to set fire to the pig’s twig hut again. BUT I’m glad it led me straight to you. Now, what are you doing here, child?”

Quickly, the reader explained everything. “And I’ll be late unless I can get down from here,” she added.

“Never fear, darling child. I shall whisk you away like eggs in a bowl…no, no, wrong analogy. Anywho, hop on! We shall find the cover reveals, posthaste!”

Away they both flew over the mountains, hills, and dales, past a grandmother’s house and then a river. The Reader grinned. Nothing could stop them now. Except…Boom, boom, boom! Something deep and thunderous shook the earth.

“What is that?”

“Oh…uh, remember that giant’s beanstalk we climbed up to see the first cover reveals?” The Fairy God-mother twiddled her fingers and gave her god-daughter a tight smile. “Well, it seems he hadn’t agreed to do the reveals at his place. It was arranged by his pesky neighbors, Red Riding Hood and her best friend Jack. They didn’t want it at their houses because the people would eat all their cookies and milk.”

“So the giant is after us?”

“Uh…I do believe so, from what Nellie, the goose-herder girl told me.”

“Can’t you use your magic wand to make the giant disappear?” The Reader asked.

“Well…oh crumpets! It turns out I lost my wand.”

The Reader sat back. What could they do? Looking back, she saw a figure climb over the hills. The giant! He spotted them and pointing, he cried, “Hey, you there!”

“Tweedle-dee!” The Fairy God-mother exclaimed. “He’s right behind us!”

The Reader grabbed hold of the carpet. “Hang on!” she cried, steering their ride toward the trees. They zigged and zagged their way through the forest and down into an abandoned dragon cave. Then they zipped out the other side and plunged straight over a cliff.

“IIIiieee!” The Fairy God-mother covered her eyes. “Do you know what you’re doing?”

Of course not, The Reader thought, but she didn’t have time to say it aloud. Glancing over her shoulder, she realized the giant was gone.

“Phew, we lost him.”

They both laughed with relief and continued their flight to the Atlantis Palace.

“There’s such a huge crowd,” The Reader observed, when they arrived. Kingdom citizens lined the beaches and grassy bluffs; picnic blankets and chairs spread out on the sand.

“But we can float above them,” The Fairy God-mother pointed out.

So, hovering over the the people, they watched as a large ship arrived. Sailors unloaded a large canvas item onto the pier. A cheer went up as a herald cried, “Hear ye, Hear ye, Beyond the Bookery is proud to present the Fall Cornerstone Covers.” With a flourish, he whipped the canvas tarp off to reveal…

“The Esteemed Authors of this collection are Lucy Peterson, Kendall Hoxsey, Anna Augustine, and Olivia Godfrey.

“And,” he added, “Pre-orders are available now!

Once the cheering settled down, everyone began to pack up and head home.

“I’m so glad we got to see them,” The Reader said, “Thanks for your help, Fairy God-mother.”

“Oh, my pleasure dear. I’m sorry I lost my wand. We could’ve been here sooner–“

“Aha!” a big voice boomed. “I found you!”

Looking up, The Reader saw the giant glaring down at them. Before she could say anything, he plucked up their flying carpet in his hand.

“I’ve got something to say to you two,” he said. The Reader gulped. Just when things couldn’t get worse…

To Be Continued.


16 Christian fantasy fairy tale retellings filled with faith, clean romance, danger, and courage from authors Laurie Lucking, Kirsten Fichter, E. G. Bella, Jewel Windall, Saraina Whitney, Rachel Kovaciny, Abigail Kay Harris, Madisyn Carlin, Lucy Peterson, Anna Augustine, Olivia Godfrey, Kendall Hoxsey, K. R. Mattson, C. K. Heartwing,  Kendra E. Ardnek, and Katja H. Labonté.

Pre-order links can be found in @beyondthebookery ‘s bio.

Cover designer: @mountainpeakeditsanddesign

Publisher: @beyondthebookery | Bellator de Lux Publishing

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