What’s Their Name? Writer’s Tag (Plus Trails In Time’s Pinterest Board!)

Nope, I haven’t forgotten my characters’ names….yet. Now, getting them mixed-up on occasion?

*turns to glance at Herminatrude who raises eyebrow at me*

Ahem, well, maybe that has happened (You really should stop borrowing Penelope’s hat and shawl, Herminatrude! It’s an honest mistake, really *shakes head*).

Anywho, it’s been awhile since I did a tag, and when Issabelle nominated me awhile back, I decided it’d be fun to give this one a try (never mind the list of tags that I’m behind on…oops!).

Today’s tag is actually about getting to know your story characters, and with Trails In Time set to be released in the Diverged in a Wood Anthology this September (yes, SEPTEMBER!!!) I thought it’d be fun to introduce you to the main character.

Before we do, I’d like to give a big shout-out and thanks to Issabelle for the nomination! (Thank you for thinking of me, Is!) You can click here to read her answers to the tag.

Ready to meet my character?

The Rules:

  • Don’t take other people’s words or ideas
  • Make sure the story is kid friendly
  • Don’t be mean or bully others with your post
  • Fill out the questions as the characters were at the beginning of the story
  • You can tag up to 7 bloggers
  • Make sure to email faithandwriting@gmail.com when you complete the tag!

What’s Their Name?

Meet my character, Paige! She’s twelve years old and lives out in the countryside with her parents.

What’s Their Role?

She’s the main character of the story.

Do They Love Anyone?

Um, considering she’s a kid, she has no romantic interest. However, she does love her family, and she does care about her friend, Ezra.

Do They Have Any Relatives?

Yes! In this story, it focuses more on her relationship with her dad.

Inspiration For Character?

Hmm, I don’t think there was one singular thing that inspired Paige. I did try to find some character reference pictures on Pinterest, but mostly I brainstormed what kind of person she would be (and did a lot of rewriting to get hers and Ezra’s relationship just right.)


I can’t say too much because of spoilers, but Paige’s family moved to a mountain community after her dad made mistakes. They decided to move and get a fresh start on life, but Paige is still feeling the after affects of what happened to them beforehand.

Dreams? Fears?

Paige dreams of being normal and proving herself to be trustworthy. Her fear is making the wrong choices.


Ah, my favorite! Ezra Blumstein is her eleven-year-old neighbor, who’s energetic and enthusiastic. He has a wide interest in a lot of things (more recently time travel and space exploration.) On the side, he’s a wilderness scout. (He’ll probably tell you that he’s also a main character in this story *lol*.)

What’s The Story’s Name?

The story is called Trails In Time and will be featured in a middle grade anthology called Diverged in a Wood. Like I mentioned before, the anthology is going to be released sometime in early September, and I’ll be keeping you all updated on the details. Or, if you haven’t already, you can sign up for the book’s newsletter and be the first to hear about launch team sign-ups and such!

Story Blurb?

I think I changed the blurb just slightly when I submitted the story to the anthology, but I couldn’t find it *facepalm lol*. So I’ll just use this back-up one 🙂

12-year-old Paige never expected to take a detour through the woods. But then, she didn’t expect to find mysterious, coded messages on the trees either. Can she and her friend, Ezra, find out who’s writing to them? Or will they become lost in the forest forever?

What Are His/Her Habits?

Paige tends to use her compass as a bit of a security blanket. It was a gift from her dad and she likes to hang onto it wherever she goes.

Random Fact?

Hmm, I can’t think of a random fact without spoiling the story *lol*.


She’s a bit on the serious side with a touch of drama. As for Ezra…well, he’s the opposite. He’s very very talkative XD, so the two make quite a pair.


Ezra has too many to count; as for Paige, she does like to help volunteer for things, like helping unload boxes at the library.

Inspiration For The Story?

The inspiration came while I was brainstorming ideas with my family. We were out for a walk during the winter when we saw that people had written Christmas messages in the dirt. It inspired me to write a bit of a mystery story where two friends find strange notes written in the woods; unfortunately, the Christmas aspect never came into the story XD. However, it was just what I needed to get inspired.

Anything Else?

I’ve got a mood board for the story, if you’re interested in checking it out. You can find it here.

Clean Copy of Questions

What’s Their Name?

What’s Their Role?

Do They Love Anyone?

Do They Have Any Relatives?

Inspiration For Character?


Dreams? Fears?


What’s The Story’s Name?

Story Blurb?

What Are His Habits?

Random Fact?



Inspiration For The Story?

Anything Else?

Ah, I’m so excited for this story to be released! And if you enjoyed this tag, by all means feel free to take it and give a try.

Have you checked out the Diverged in a Woods’ newsletter? (Kylie is spotlighting various stories/poems from the anthology every couple weeks, so you can get an idea of what to expect!) What gives you inspiration for your writing? Do you have any tricks for keeping story characters straight? Let’s chat below!

6 thoughts on “What’s Their Name? Writer’s Tag (Plus Trails In Time’s Pinterest Board!)

  1. *hugs back* Yay!! Hopefully I’ll see you around camp some! I have a busy month and don’t expect to get as much written as I usually do at camp, but I’m still hoping to sneak in some words.

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